Shardul Gagare!
Shardul Gagare became India's 42nd grandmaster as he managed to win his third round game at the IIFL Wealth Mumbai International Tournament being conducted at the Mount Litera School International at Bandra in Mumbai. ChessBase India brings you a pictorial story that captures his moment of glory along with the game, video analysis, and some heart-warming pictures. In-depth interview to follow in the coming days.
Shardul Gagare!
Shardul was tense as the middlegame was in progress -- the king was precariously standing on the edge of a precipice on the d6 square. Pair his cold, pragmatic approach to whatever cliche you may like, the fact remains that it was a hair-raising experience that Shardul bravely withstood, but would he do the needful and win the game?
[Site "Mumbai"]
[Date "2016.01.30"]
[Round "3"]
[White "Balaji Sekar"]
[Black "Gagare, Shardul"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "C07"]
[WhiteElo "2188"]
[BlackElo "2497"]
[PlyCount "59"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[EventCountry "IND"]
[TimeControl "40/5400+30:1800+30"]
Nxd4 {40} Nf6 {9} 6. exd5 {125} Nxd5 {8} 7. N2f3 {783} a6 {10} 8. c3 {249} Nd7
{255} 9. Bd3 {99} Bd6 {144} 10. O-O {29} O-O {88} 11. Qe2 {720} Re8 {617} 12.
Bxh7+ {1454} Kxh7 {7} 13. Ng5+ {3} Kg8 {162} 14. Qh5 {2} Ne5 {796} 15. Qh7+ {
556} Kf8 {7} 16. Qh8+ {1115} Ke7 {7} 17. Qxg7 {3} Rg8 {398} 18. Qh7 {27} Nf6 {
325} 19. Qc2 {42} Nc6 {283} 20. Ndf3 {76} Qa5 {686} 21. Rd1 {190} Qf5 {266} 22.
Qe2 {201} Ne5 {215} 23. Nd4 {184} Qg4 {271} 24. f3 {9} Qh5 {30} 25. Nf5+ {121}
exf5 {7} 26. Rxd6 {2} Kxd6 {94} 27. Bf4 {16} Ne4 {45} 28. Qc4 {136} Ke7 {140}
29. Qb4+ {30} Ke8 {99} 30. fxe4 {0} 0-1
What happened after this move was comical: we witnessed Shardul's king run back to his palace as if he were Rannchod Rai. Out of nowhere, Shardul's eyes shot at his opponent and his fingers pointed towards the clock -- it was over. White had overstepped the time limit and Shardul had become India's 42nd grandmaster.
Even before the opponent could come on terms to the curious end the game had witnessed, I extended my hand to Shardul which he shook with a relieved smile forming in his face.
Sagar, who had arrived towards the arena, showed some prophylactic skills as he shot the good old doctor meeting his grandmaster son while I took a memorable picture which explains what hard work really is.
After the immediate celebrations, Shardul walked into the commentary room where Vijay Kumar produced this video where Sagar analyses the game with Shardul, who at the same time answers some pertinent questions related to chess.
Here are a couple more video interviews with Team Gagare:

Photos and videos for ChessBase India. A bit of writing on a daily basis is good according to scientific research. Kindly give credits to ChessBase India when you share the material.