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MCL 2016: Navigators navigate it through

by Priyadarshan Banjan - 20/06/2016

The stage was set for Navigators and Battlers to take on each other yet again. They had already faced each other twice before the finals. The match turned out to be a see-saw battle between the two ace teams of the tournament. Battlers' plunderer in chief Srinath N. was clearly out of sorts, going down to Mary. Navigators' Varshini was winning against Humpy of Jalgaon Battlers. It looked like Navigators would win easily. But Varshini blundered the game and Jalgaon Battlers held Navigators 3.0-3.0. The Maharashtra Chess League 2016 was decided, once again, by an armageddon. Report.

MCL 2016: Adhiban navigates Pune-Sangli to victory!

In highly entertaining encounters, Jalgaon Battlers and Pune Sangli Navigators stormed into the finals of the Persistent 4th Maharashtra Chess League which was in the concluding stages at PYC Hindu Gymkhana. The stage was set for Navigators and Battlers to take on each other yet again. They had already faced each other twice before the finals. In the league stage, the Battlers had wiped out the Navigators, but in the Qualifier, they were held to a draw. Battlers advanced to the finals anyway by winning the armageddon, while the Navigators had to beat Pune TruMasters in the Eliminator to make a way back to the finals, for yet another shot against the Battlers.


To set the mood and bring positive emotions, the round began with a festivities and fun, although it is debatable how much useful it is to the players themselves.
Round 1 on 2016/06/15 at 05.00 PM
Bo. 1 Pune Sangli NOK-99 Navigators Rtg - 2 Jalgaon Battlers Rtg 3 : 3
1/1 FM Thakur, Akash  (w) 2215 - GM Swapnil, S. Dhopade  (b) 2458 0 - 1
1/2 GM Kunte, Abhijit  (b) 2467 - GM Sunilduth Lyna, Narayanan  (w) 2413 0 - 1
1/3 IM Udeshi, Aditya  (w) 2418 -   Aakanksha, Hagawane  (b) 1711 1 - 0
1/4 GM Adhiban, B.  (b) 2644 -   Mohammad, Nubairshah Shaikh  (w) 2371 1 - 0
1/5 WFM Varshini, V  (w) 1845 - GM Koneru, Humpy  (b) 2500 0 - 1
1/6 WGM Gomes, Mary Ann  (b) 2337 - IM Narayanan, Srinath  (w) 2521 1 - 0


GM B. Adhiban had the black pieces against...

...the young and ever-solid Md. Nubairshah Shaikh.

Nubair was holding his own against his more illustrious rival until the former finally cracked, giving away a piece towards the end of the game.

[Event "Final"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.06.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Mohammad, Nubairshah Shaikh"]
[Black "Adhiban, B."]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "A50"]
[WhiteElo "2371"]
[BlackElo "2644"]
[PlyCount "58"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:16"]
[BlackClock "0:04:59"]
1. d4 {0} Nf6 {0} 2. c4 {0} b6 {0} 3. Nc3 {0} Bb7 4. d5 e6 {13} 5. a3 {40} Bd6
{302} 6. Nf3 {9} O-O {22} 7. g3 {26} exd5 {95} 8. cxd5 {0} Re8 {10} 9. Bg2 {0}
a5 {0} 10. O-O {0} Na6 {0} 11. Nd4 {69} Nc5 12. Ndb5 {286} Be5 {147} 13. Be3 {
14} c6 {67} 14. dxc6 dxc6 {0} 15. Nd4 {788} Qc7 {0} 16. Nf3 {0} Bxc3 {0} 17.
bxc3 {0} Nce4 {0} 18. c4 {0} Ng4 19. Bf4 {4} Qe7 {83} 20. Qc2 {93} Qc5 {62} 21.
h3 {116} Ngf6 {343} 22. Be3 {7} Qe7 {27} 23. Bxb6 {2} c5 {0} 24. Rab1 {0} Bc6 {
0} 25. Rb2 {14} h6 {15} 26. Nd2 {2} Qe6 {21} 27. Bc7 {9} (27. Nxe4 Bxe4 28.
Bxe4 Nxe4 29. h4 Re7 30. Rd1 Rb7 31. Rd8+ Rxd8 32. Bxd8 $11) 27... Nxd2 {1} 28.
Qxd2 {0} Bxg2 {0} 29. Rb6 {5} Qxh3 {0} 0-1


GM Abhijit Kunte was soundly outplayed by...

...GM S.L. Narayanan of the Battlers, who pulled back a crucial point for his team.
[Event "Final"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.06.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Sunilduth Lyna, Narayanan"]
[Black "Kunte, Abhijit"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "B43"]
[WhiteElo "2413"]
[BlackElo "2467"]
[PlyCount "89"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
[WhiteClock "0:06:21"]
[BlackClock "0:02:28"]
1. e4 {0} c5 {22} 2. Nf3 e6 3. d4 {0} cxd4 {0} 4. Nxd4 {0} a6 {0} 5. Nc3 Qc7 {
18} 6. Bd3 {0} g6 {84} 7. O-O {0} Bg7 {0} 8. Be3 {0} d6 {0} 9. f4 {0} Nf6 {0}
10. a4 {0} O-O {0} 11. a5 {0} Nbd7 {0} 12. Nb3 {0} b5 {0} 13. axb6 {0} Nxb6 {0}
14. Qe2 {0} Nfd7 {0} 15. Kh1 {0} Re8 {0} 16. Qf2 {0} Rb8 {0} 17. Bxa6 Bxa6 {580
} 18. Rxa6 {514} Nc4 {10} 19. Bd4 {35} Nf6 {98} 20. Ra7 {120} Rb7 {16} 21. Rxb7
Qxb7 {0} 22. Qe2 {0} Rc8 {7} 23. e5 {74} dxe5 {259} 24. Nc5 {0} Qe7 {0} 25.
fxe5 {111} Nxe5 {0} 26. Nxe6 {0} Ned7 27. Nxg7 {35} Qxe2 {128} 28. Nxe2 {0}
Kxg7 {14} 29. Ng3 {114} Re8 {0} 30. b4 {19} h5 {0} 31. Kg1 {11} h4 {0} 32. Nh1
{0} g5 {0} 33. Nf2 {8} Kg6 {0} 34. Nd3 {8} Re4 {0} 35. c3 {0} Nd5 {0} 36. b5 {6
} f5 {0} 37. Rb1 {19} N7b6 {8} 38. Nb4 {5} h3 {56} 39. Nxd5 {0} Nxd5 {0} 40. b6
{7} Nf4 {2} 41. b7 {13} Re2 {28} 42. b8=Q {13} hxg2 {0} 43. Bf2 {0} Nh3+ {26}
44. Kxg2 {0} Nxf2 {0} 45. Rb2 {7} 1-0


The spectators were glued to the chessboards, digesting all the action.

Akanksha Hagawane had performed admirably for the Battlers throughout the tournament. She was singled out as the weakest link in the Battlers' lineup, but as it turned out, she was fighting till the end and often got rewarded.

IM Aditya Udeshi, though, took her out confidently.
[Event "Final"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.06.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Udeshi, Aditya"]
[Black "Aakanksha, Hagawane"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C55"]
[WhiteElo "2418"]
[BlackElo "1711"]
[PlyCount "57"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
[WhiteClock "0:01:35"]
[BlackClock "0:00:08"]
1. e4 {0} e5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0} Nc6 {0} 3. Bc4 {0} Nf6 {0} 4. d3 {0} Be7 {0} 5. Bb3
{0} d6 {11} 6. c3 {0} O-O 7. Nbd2 {0} h6 {51} 8. h3 d5 {10} 9. Qe2 {37} a6 {249
} 10. O-O {343} dxe4 {113} 11. Nxe4 Bf5 {186} 12. Bd2 {112} Kh8 {96} 13. Rad1 {
5} Bg6 {22} 14. Bc1 {407} Bd6 {135} 15. Rfe1 Nh7 16. Nxd6 {252} cxd6 {145} 17.
d4 {0} e4 {17} 18. Nd2 {0} d5 {0} 19. Nf1 {0} f5 {27} 20. Bf4 {76} Na5 {142}
21. c4 {104} Nxb3 {95} 22. axb3 {0} Nf6 {1} 23. Ng3 {0} Bh7 {29} 24. Be5 {0}
Kg8 {48} 25. Rc1 {19} g5 {57} 26. Nh5 {12} Nd7 {44} 27. cxd5 {17} Bg6 {14} 28.
f4 {21} Qe8 29. Ng3 1-0


But then GM Swapnil Dhopade scored for the Battlers, by positionally decimating...

...FM Akash Thakur.
[Event "Final"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.06.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Thakur, Akash"]
[Black "Swapnil, S. Dhopade"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B12"]
[WhiteElo "2215"]
[BlackElo "2458"]
[PlyCount "96"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:14"]
[BlackClock "0:07:50"]
1. e4 {0} c6 {0} 2. d4 {0} d5 {0} 3. e5 {0} c5 {0} 4. Nf3 {0} cxd4 {38} 5. Nxd4
{1} e6 6. Nd2 {70} Bc5 {48} 7. N2f3 {8} Ne7 {0} 8. a3 {24} Nbc6 {26} 9. Nxc6 {
80} bxc6 {213} 10. b4 {0} Bb6 {0} 11. Bb2 {0} Ng6 {34} 12. c4 {88} O-O 13. c5
Bc7 14. g3 {146} f6 {141} 15. exf6 {390} gxf6 {0} 16. h4 {23} e5 {0} 17. h5 {10
} Ne7 {0} 18. Bh3 {64} Bxh3 {0} 19. Rxh3 {0} a5 {0} 20. Nh4 {0} Qd7 {0} 21. g4
{0} axb4 {0} 22. axb4 {0} d4 {0} 23. Rha3 {145} Rxa3 24. Rxa3 {116} Rb8 25.
Qb3+ Qd5 {349} 26. Nf5 {3} Qxb3 {32} 27. Nxe7+ {1} Kf7 {0} 28. Rxb3 {0} Kxe7 {0
} 29. Ke2 {27} Ke6 {0} 30. Kd3 {0} Kd5 {0} 31. f3 {0} Bd8 {0} 32. Ba3 {147} Be7
{0} 33. Rb2 {0} Bf8 {0} 34. Re2 {39} Bh6 {0} 35. Rb2 {22} Bc1 {111} 36. Ra2 {0}
Ra8 {44} 37. Bxc1 {15} Rxa2 {0} 38. Bh6 {0} Rf2 {9} 39. g5 {43} fxg5 {3} 40.
Bxg5 {0} Rxf3+ {0} 41. Kd2 {0} e4 {0} 42. Ke2 {0} Rb3 {0} 43. Bd2 {0} Rb2 {0}
44. Kd1 {0} e3 {0} 45. Be1 {0} d3 {0} 46. Kc1 {31} d2+ {0} 47. Bxd2 {0} Rxd2 {0
} 48. b5 {0} cxb5 {0} 0-1


IM N. Srinath had been near invincible throughout the tournament — he had won all six of the games for the Battlers in the league and eliminator stage, even winning the crucial Armageddon against Adhiban to bring his team to the finals.

However, just when it mattered most, Srinath fell short, coupled with his now usual health problems. WGM Mary Ann Gomes took full advantage of the situation and played a powerful game. Mary was chosen as the Most Valuable Player among the women in MCL 2016.
[Event "Final"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.06.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Narayanan, Srinath"]
[Black "Gomes, Mary Ann"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B56"]
[WhiteElo "2521"]
[BlackElo "2337"]
[PlyCount "110"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
[WhiteClock "0:02:16"]
[BlackClock "0:02:59"]
1. e4 {0} c5 {0} 2. Nf3 {0} d6 {0} 3. d4 {0} cxd4 {0} 4. Nxd4 {0} Nf6 {0} 5.
Nc3 {0} Bd7 {0} 6. Bc4 {0} e6 {0} 7. Be3 a6 {0} 8. Bb3 {0} Nc6 9. f4 {82} Qc7 {
31} 10. f5 {75} Nxd4 {173} 11. Bxd4 {2} e5 {0} 12. Be3 {0} Bc6 {0} 13. Qf3 {14}
b5 {33} 14. O-O-O {212} Rc8 15. Bg5 {297} b4 {242} 16. Nd5 {0} Nxd5 {15} 17.
exd5 {0} Bb5 {0} 18. Kb1 {22} a5 {112} 19. c4 {2} bxc3 {0} 20. Rc1 {0} Qd7 {39}
21. f6 {0} gxf6 {0} 22. Bxf6 {0} Rg8 {0} 23. Rxc3 {0} Rxc3 {0} 24. bxc3 {183}
Qg4 {60} 25. c4 {34} Bd7 {14} 26. c5 {81} Bf5+ 27. Bc2 Qb4+ {125} 28. Qb3 {53}
Bxc2+ 29. Kxc2 {0} Rxg2+ {0} 30. Kb1 {0} dxc5 {80} 31. Qxb4 {0} axb4 {0} 32.
Bxe5 {0} Rd2 {12} 33. Re1 {0} Kd7 {160} 34. Rf1 {0} Rxd5 {1} 35. Bg7 {0} Bxg7 {
82} 36. Rxf7+ {0} Kc6 {0} 37. Rxg7 {0} h5 {0} 38. Kc2 {39} Rf5 {0} 39. Rg2 {95}
Rf3 {0} 40. Kb2 {27} Kb5 {0} 41. Re2 {15} h4 {1} 42. Kb1 {136} h3 {9} 43. Kc1 {
4} Rf1+ {71} 44. Kd2 {0} Rg1 {0} 45. Re8 {9} Rg2+ {1} 46. Kd3 {0} Rxa2 {50} 47.
Rb8+ {2} Kc6 {16} 48. Rh8 {0} Rxh2 {0} 49. Kc4 {0} Rc2+ {0} 50. Kb3 {0} Rc3+ {0
} 51. Kb2 {0} Rg3 {0} 52. Kc2 {0} Kb5 {0} 53. Rh4 {0} c4 {0} 54. Kb2 {0} Rg2+ {
0} 55. Kc1 {0} h2 {0} 0-1


Navigators were leading 3.0-2.0 now and to add to their excitement, Varshini V. was winning against...

...GM Koneru Humpy!

It seemed like a lost cause for the Jalgaon Battlers, which is when Varshini blundered and Humpy gleefully took the point. Jalgaon Battlers had tied the Pune Sangli Navigators to a 3.0-3.0 tie yet again!

[Event "Final"]
[Site "?"]
[Date "2016.06.15"]
[Round "?"]
[White "Varshini, V."]
[Black "Koneru, Humpy"]
[Result "0-1"]
[ECO "B23"]
[WhiteElo "1845"]
[BlackElo "2500"]
[PlyCount "88"]
[EventDate "2016.??.??"]
[SourceDate "2003.06.08"]
[TimeControl "1500"]
[WhiteClock "0:00:10"]
[BlackClock "0:00:14"]
1. e4 {0} c5 {0} 2. Nc3 {0} a6 {0} 3. g3 {2} b5 {0} 4. Bg2 {0} Bb7 {0} 5. d3 {
81} e6 6. Nge2 Nf6 {292} 7. O-O {32} Qc7 {10} 8. f4 {215} d6 {62} 9. h3 h5 10.
f5 {199} e5 {78} 11. Nd5 {117} Nxd5 {48} 12. exd5 {0} c4 {22} 13. dxc4 {145}
Qxc4 {20} 14. Be3 {99} Nd7 {174} 15. b3 {66} Qc7 {21} 16. c4 {82} Be7 {5} 17.
Rc1 Qd8 {240} 18. Qd2 {155} O-O {157} 19. Nc3 {42} bxc4 {32} 20. bxc4 {0} Rc8 {
157} 21. Ne4 {9} Nf6 {24} 22. Nxf6+ {71} Bxf6 {0} 23. g4 {0} hxg4 {41} 24. hxg4
{0} g5 {0} 25. fxg6 {30} fxg6 {0} 26. g5 {0} Bg7 {0} 27. Bh3 {0} Re8 {20} 28.
Qf2 {53} Rc7 {6} 29. Be6+ {54} Rxe6 {0} 30. dxe6 {0} Re7 {42} 31. c5 {13} dxc5
{24} 32. Rxc5 {23} Qd6 {0} 33. Rcc1 Qxe6 {0} 34. Qg3 {1} Qd5 {0} 35. Qh2 {0}
Qe4 {6} 36. Rce1 $4 {0} (36. Qh3 Bc6 37. Rf2 Rf7 38. Qc8+ Bf8 39. Qxc6 Qxe3 40.
Qxg6+ $18) 36... Qg4+ {0} 37. Kf2 {1} Rf7+ {0} 38. Bf4 {0} Rxf4+ 39. Ke3 Re4+ {
3} 40. Kd2 {0} Qxg5+ {1} 41. Kc2 {0} Rc4+ {3} 42. Kb3 {2} Bd5 {0} 43. Rd1 {0}
Qe3+ {1} 44. Kb2 {0} Qc3+ {0} 0-1

Therefore, once again, it all boiled down to armageddon game. Both the teams had performed at their best throughout the tournament. The Navigators clearly dominated the first forty percent of the tournament, while the Battlers had ruled for the remaining sixty. Now, it had to end. While Pune Sangli Navigators chose to field GM B. Adhiban yet again, just as in the previous day, the Battlers announced a surprising change.


Playing IM N. Srinath in an armageddon would be a no brainer due to his experience in dealing with faster time controls. But with his health down and out, the Battlers had to decide and the most obvious choice left was GM Swapnil Dhopade, who in the past one year had been playing exceedingly well, including a win in the blitz tournament in Bangkok ahead of Short, van Wely, etc.


The Jalgaon Battlers, instead, chose to field GM S.L. Narayanan with the black pieces. Adhiban had white but was in a must win situation with five minutes on the clock, while a draw would suffice for the Battlers, but with four minutes only.

Watch the game and the celebrations after it ended in this video shot with a (somewhat) smartphone.

(Forgive the quality of the video — this was the best I could manage considering that the arbiters were hell bent on not letting me a spot to quietly record a good video without moving.)

Adhiban right after winning the title for Pune Sangli Nok 99 Navigators.

The MCL 2016 champions!


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