Live games from Gibraltar!
The Gibraltar Masters 2016 will see Viswanathan Anand in his first open tournament appearance in 23 years! The last time we saw him was at the Biel Interzonal in 1993. Naturally, all his fans would want to keep a tab on his games. We will be broadcasting live games on our newspage. You can follow the games of not only Anand but also Harikrishna (India no.2) at the tournament in the live boards in this article. The games begin at 7.30 PM IST.
Pictures by Sophie Triay
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Round 4
Sethuraman drew against MVL with the black pieces on the top board which was quite a commendable result
Round 5
Anand losing to Adrien Demuth of France was the biggest upset of the fifth round. Harikrishna beat Sethuraman and Abhijeet Gupta got the better of Zoltan Almasi
Round 6
Harikrishna against Abhijeet Gupta was the top Indian clash that ended in a draw. Gopal beat David Howell.
Round 7
Vishy Anand lost his game to the upcoming Hungarian youngster Benjamin Gledura
You can watch the live games of the Indians on the top boards here with the following features:
1. Livebook to see the games that have been played before in the same line
2. Engine analysis
3. A bar which tells you instant evaluation of the position
4. Download PGN file
5. You can share the game on facebook and other social networks
The boards will show live games of Indians playing on the top 20 boards when the round begins at 7.30 P.M IST. Until then you can enjoy the games of the previous round.