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ChessNeurons - A platform to improve positional and strategic aspects by GM Ankit Rajpara

by Shahid Ahmed - 30/01/2024

GM Ankit Rajpara, India’s 36th Grandmaster with his immense treasure of knowledge gathered across two decades and an almost a decade-long experience in coaching, saw something missing in the chess world, a platform specialized in improving positional and strategic aspects of chess players. Keeping this in mind, he founded What is the website about? When did it launch, what is the concept behind in it, what are people of chess universe saying about it? We get all answers from the founder and the man who conceptualized everything - GM Ankit Rajpara. If you are tired of solving tactics only at various websites, this is your breath of fresh air to focus on the positional chess. Photos:

ChessNeurons by GM Ankit Rajpara

What is ChessNeurons?, created by GM Ankit Rajpara, is a unique platform for chess enthusiasts to improve their positional chess. Unlike other websites that mainly focus on tactical puzzles (about capturing pieces or checkmating opponents), ChessNeurons offers something special - positional chess puzzles. These puzzles help players improve their strategic thinking and overall chess skills. GM Ankit provides clear explanations, giving users a valuable peek into the mind of a Grandmaster. ChessNeurons is the go-to place for those who want to deepen their understanding of chess and take their game to the next level.

The genesis of

“The idea had lingered in my mind, awaiting execution. Together with my brother Utsav and his friend Kaustav, both Software Engineers at Google, we decided to test the waters with a proof of concept, focusing on positional puzzles. In February 2023, we launched the beta version, a simple website, and sought feedback from the community and formally launched in September 2023.” - GM Ankit

Testing the concept:

“Without any formal advertising, Ankit posted a blog on Reddit about the proof of concept, anticipating around 100-200 visitors and 10-15 feedback responses. To their astonishment, the blog gained immense traction, garnering hundreds of likes and overwhelming praise for the positional puzzle concept. In just three days, thousands of people visited the site, confirming the demand for a platform that offered positional puzzles with Grandmaster insights.”

Few feedbacks from Reddit:

Various redditors shared their honest feedback

Formal launch:

The positive response acted as a catalyst, and Ankit with his team embarked on the full development of the platform, officially launched in September 2023. The platform, designed to enhance positional and strategic chess skills, offers:

• Ten daily Grandmaster curated positional puzzles

• Grandmaster written explanation for all puzzles

• Weekly Grandmaster video explaining least solved puzzles

Catering to chess academies and clubs: acknowledges the role that academies and clubs play in the chess ecosystem. It strives to make it easier for the institutions to include positional and strategic aspects in daily training. Thus, extends its offerings to chess academies and clubs, providing special features for administrators, including custom domains tailored to their unique needs.

Invitation to the Chess Community:

We invite chess enthusiasts to explore with a 7-day free trial (no credit card required) and share valuable feedback. Your insights will play a pivotal role in helping us continually improve and better serve the chess community. Join us on, where Grandmaster insights meet the passion for chess, elevating your game to new heights.


GM R B Ramesh

IM V Saravanan

GM Swayams Mishra

We can find a lot of websites with tactics puzzles to solve but we struggle to find positional puzzles - and this is where ChessNeurons has come up. This will be useful for all kinds of players who are looking to improve their positional skills without getting bored.


Raghunandan Gokhale - Dronacharya awardee

As a coach with 40 years of experience, I found ChessNeurons like a breeze of fresh air among wilderness of tactical sites. It was fun to solve the hard puzzles. The explanations were good and I will be recommending ChessNeurons through my writings and to my students.


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