A day at the ChessBase office in Hamburg
We have all seen companies, how they function, how people work there, the nine to five job, the daily drab work with the papers and numbers! Well, what if there is a chess company with people in there working on chess. Your favourite game! What if instead of papers you have chess boards and pieces and DVDs and interesting puzzles littered all around you! Yes, it's a dreamworld for every chess lover and it does exist at Osterbekstraße 90A, 22083 Hamburg. Come, let's have a look at the ChessBase headquarters in Germany.
Photos by Amruta Mokal with her Samsung S8+
Just a few days are left for the World Cup 2017 to begin in Tbilisi, Georgia, where Amruta and I will be present as reporters. Before making our way to that event, we decided to spend a few days in Hamburg and visit the ChessBase headquarters to meet our friends, tell them about our progress at ChessBase India and forge new plans. Well, every time I go to the ChessBase office in Hamburg I feel as if I have come home. Around 22 people come to work at the office and when you go near them you often see a chess board open and they are analyzing something or checking a game on playchess or just making some chess manual! Grandmasters regularly keep pouring in to do shows or record DVDs. A day at the ChessBase office is like visiting Mecca for a chess player!

ChessBase office is a wonderful place for any chess player to visit. Each and every person there is dependent on the game of chess for their livelihood. It is a perfect representation of how powerful our game of chess is. The value added to the world of chess by ChessBase is huge. I hope that someday ChessBase India too will have something like this in India and we will be able to enhance the livelihood of many chess players in the country.